
Web&brand design

We're committed to finding you a cohesive look and attitude that best reflects your brand.


The design cycle can be split into 2 parts.

Brand design, the first step, is all about finding the right feeling for your brand. If your old logo needs an update, we'll make you a new one. We'll choose the colors and fonts that will work best with what kind of vibe you want to give off.

Web design is about crafting our main product, the website. Our website is modern and minimalistic, but yours doesn't have to be. We'll put hours into creating something you and your target audience can be happy with.


This is where it's all put together. For online shops, we build websites using Shopify, a website builder. We also recommend this approach to those who will need to update their website often. In these cases we'll use Elementor, WordPress or Webflow, depending on your preference.

For small businesses who mainly operate in-store, we recommend building websites from scratch using a static site generator, like Eleventy.. We charge a higher starting cost, but maintenance of the website starts from 0€ (excl. domain name).

After this, we go live. It's not that complicated. 🚀